RT+ is a collection of web based tools for managing response teams. It started as a work-around to dealing with multiple teams in D4H but now includes other features independent of D4H.
RT+ is build using a number of cutting edge web technologies:
- Clerk - Comprehensive user managment platform.
- Github - Code management platform.
- Lucide Icons - Large simple SVG based icon set.
- Neon Postgres - Serverless Postgres database.
- Next.js - Web application framework built using React components.
- Prisma - Typescript ORM.
- Radix Primitives - Unstyled, accessible, React primitives.
- React - Library for building user interfaces based on components.
- shadcn/ui - React component library styled with Tailwind CSS.
- Tailwind CSS - Utility first CSS framework.
- TanStack Query - Client side data synchronisation library.
- TanStack Table - Headless UI for building tables and datagrids.
- Typescript - Strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript.
- Vercel - Cloud hosting for Next.js
Our hosting costs are kindly covered by Redcloud Development. This allows us to offer RT+ for free to any New Zealand based Response Teams.
Development of RT+ is a volunteer effort.
If you would like to contribute (design, programming, or qualitiy assurance) contact support@rtplus.nz.